Meet Your MLM Mentor & Coach

What Things Are Essential for Success in Network Marketing?

I have been involved in my life in a few network marketing companies. I joined them in the hope of extra income, however, without knowing anything at all about important things that are essential in order to gain success in MLM.

Now that I have found the opportunity to to study things that affect my success, I am more and more convinced that I’m on the right track.

These things should be taken into account when starting a network marketing


– You need a Mentor who trains, supports and guides you in to the right direction

– You need a “five pillars” Network Marketing Company

– You need a system that every one can duplicate

– Must have a “recipe to follow – and follow the recipe.”

– You have to learn to plan – to do – to review and adjust

– You have to follow the plan every day – Small actions repeated constantly, again, again and again

– You have to develop your perseverance

How on earth something like this can be and where such training, mentors and the system can be found?

I discovered my own Mentor on the Internet where I was looking for help to my problems in MLM.

Mentoring For Free– Group of volunteers – was a place where I got answers why I didn’t succeed until then.

I gain free training, live and audios, I attend mastermind group where I can grow as a person.

I can attend to network marketing skill’s calls… or leadership training.  Amazing, isn’t it? All that help is available from experienced Mentors, who have some time ago been on the level where I was when I started my journey.

It is wonderful to see people who are growing as a person and get success in their business.

Are you looking for help? Don’t you know where to start? If I could help you I would tell you to upload the free eBook. That one what helped my mentor to be where she is now, that one what helped me to be where I am now.
It doesn’t cost you anything besides your time to study the book and start your success story.

Your Friend and Mentor With a Servant’s Heart

Marjaana Siivola

By Real Internet Income

Meet Your MLM Mentor – Can One Decision Give You Success In Network Marketing?

Many people are trying to make some income online. There are lots of people who fail. Why?

Our mind is incredible, it literally controls what we say, feel, think or do. Our unconscious thoughts and emotions can shape us even our whole life. If we have failure in the past, we live our failure again saying to ourselves I’m too old, it is too late, I have bad contacts, I am not smart enough, the others succeed because they have better education, etc.

People are thinking that they cannot change those things and are continually programming their minds in that way to be so.

When you change the way of our thinking –


You will find answers to this and many other questions in the “network marketing university”. Mentoring For Free will train you how to think, not what to think.
30 Day Mental Cleanse will help you to stop programming your mind and to make a definite decision to become successful.

Mentoring For Free will train you FOR FREE. It doesn’t matter in which network marketing company you are in.

Read what Hot Tools there are available with Mentoring For Free!

Your Mentor With A Servant’s Heart

Marjaana Siivola

By Real Internet Income

Meet Your Free MLM Mentor – Training in Network Marketing – But What Kind of Training?

Every good network marketing sponsor wants to train their people to succeed and achieve goals together so that everyone succeeds –  it is in everyone’s interest. But what kind of network marketing training is available and is it worth wasting time?

In many cases, the first training for a new distributor it is to meet up and go through the products and the marketing system together with the sponsor –  important matters themselves.  Then it is time to teach how to talk to people about the founder of the company, where the company is placed and how long it has operated and all that kind of stuff.

Then it follows the next phase of education. The most important thing for success is to write a name list. This will continue as homework – at least 100 names but better to have 1500.  You have to find out all the names from your past and present.  Ready to start working?   Call at least five people every day, ask for meeting for business presentation. – You will be soon busy!

Uncomfortable? NO – You WILL do it! You just have to believe in yourself and remember that every NO answer  brings you closer to YES!

After a couple of days you’re frustrated. It seems that this is not about me – what is wrong with me I cannot do this? Where my dreams disappear? Why am I doing this? I want to stop the whole thing, but the sponsor will prompt to continue. Where can I find people who are willing to join the network?

What if some people join me – Am I able to help and train them?

Better Network Marketing and Leadership training

Would it be better to find another kind of network marketing training? Where you do not have the name list and play with friends and relatives. Learn how to get people to come to you and ask for help. The kind of people who really want to succeed in network marketing.

Mentoring For Free is a program where you will be trained free of charge, step by step

Success In 10 Steps e-Book is a good start. You will find that failure MLM is not your fault!

“Learn what it really takes to build a Profitable Business in Network Marketing.”

Mentor With A Servant’s Heart

By Real Internet Income

Relationship in Network Marketing Business

Friendship and Relationship in Network Marketing

You have friends. What are the things you appreciate most in your friends? Could they be the honesty, trust and having fun together? Is it important that even if you live far away from each other and you do not have the opportunity to meet frequently, you know that he is there and is ready to listen and help if needed.
A good friendship maintains throughout the life. You could have disagreed sometimes, but you appreciate each other regardless. When you meet, you have a lot of fun, maybe confidential conversations and a lot of commemoration of the past.

What are the things you value most in your colleagues?

The best and closest personal relationships among co-workers come from the trust, fun, and willingness to help. The work is meaningful and you will do a lot together. In a good work community you will be able to grow as a person. – Unfortunately, we cannot always choose our colleagues.

With whom do you want to do your Network Marketing business?

Do you think it is important to find a Mentor who is committed in helping you by “holding your hand and walking on your side” until you feel you are ready to take the next step alone. Is it important that you find people where you all can use and improve your skills, work and have fun together and grow as a people? How would it feel if you belonged in a group where you get constant help and encouragement from committed people? Are you willing to learn and work in such a group?

Maybe you too, have sometimes been introduced a great business opportunity. You have been showed the compensation plan, the Company and its owners, as well as great products. Everything sounded promising. But what do you knew about your sponsor? Was he able to lead you to the right path? Was he ready to walk beside you as long as you needed it? Even though you fell in love with the products however, were you disappointed with the man who disappeared when you signed the contract?

Especially Network Marketing is mentoring and relationship business

The same rules apply in Network Marketing as in any relationships. There are the trust, helping, commitment and meaningful doing together the key things you need for success.

If you look for an opportunity, get to know your sponsor first. Is he that kind of person with whom you are willing to work for years, and to strive together to achieve common goals? Is he a person who has the skills and desire and is certainly committed to guide you? Is he the kind of person whom you could think as your friend and have good time together?

I have been in Network Marketing since 2005. After struggling several years, I was so lucky I found a great Mentor, who has trained and helped me to take my steps to the right direction. My Mentor has also introduced me some other skilled and experienced people from Mentoring for Free. All of them are volunteers, who are helping people like you and me – for FREE!

Mentoring For Free is a group of volunteers working worldwide. We are committed to help you too.

If you feel like you need help in any Network Marketing company, download the free e-book “Success in 10 Steps.” It can begin your journey to success.

Your Personal Mentoring Coach

Marjaana Siivola

By Real Internet Income

What is your biggest WHY?

Earlier I was dealing with industrial sewing machine spare parts for almost fifteen years. Serving my customers on phone and face to face. Ordering parts from abroad, sending small and big packages to my customers. Everything had to be done on time, because it would have costed very much money to the customer if the machines didn’t work properly.

I had a very good team. We together organized the work to run fluently and I helped new people to do the job as smart as I did.

Later my spouse and I worked as pizzeria entrepreneurs for seven years. The pizzeria belonged into a Franchise – chain. We had certain operational principles – We always delivered delicious pizzas from fresh and pure toppings baked round and pretty brown. We always cleaned the pizzeria neat and cosy. Even the stove shined! Even in rush hours, we always paid attention to incoming customers saying “hello” and smiling. Though there are hundred of “similar” pizzerias in our country, we got feedback from our customers. Many of them said: ” You have got the most delicious pizzas in whole country”…Or, “This is the best Pizzeria I’ve ever visited”.

I liked both of my jobs very much. Why was that? It was because of my customers – PEOPLE. I had an opportunity to help people. People trusted me – they knew I will serve them and always do my best.

The best of the best and warmest feeling in my heart, when I got to say my customer: “I will do it FOR YOU”.

The last six years I have done part-time network marketing. I have been introduced some good opportunities. Every time it sounds great. Excellent products, god marketing plan, up-line help. Only thing I have to do is to make a list. Friends, classmates, family, every people I remember in my life. There are thousands of people. But what is wrong? Nobody wants my help doing network marketing.

I tried to tell people advantages, to pus them working very hard to earn residual income. Listening to people’s needs and hopes. Very few of them were never considered to do network marketing. How to explain people this is a good deal? I didn’t feel well to push people to do something that not even me feel comfortable.

But I didn’t give up. I felt there must be another way. After struggling six years in MLM I have found a right way to learn, grow as a person and work. I have been introduced a great system to work as a volunteer in Mentoring For Free.

With Mentoring For Free I have an opportunity to HELP PEOPLE. This is my biggest why. To get something valuable into my life. To meet people around the World. To help people who already have raised their hand to be willing to learn how to do network marketing.

What is you biggest why? I will help you to find yours.

Your Personal Mentoring Coach

Marjaana Siivola

By Real Internet Income